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A Low Carbohydrate Diet works for weight loss…Don’t Believe the Hype!

Reconsidering High-Protein Diets: A Balanced Perspective on Nutrition

When embarking on a diet or fitness regimen, many people are advised to consume high amounts of protein and follow a low-carbohydrate diet to either lose weight or build muscle. However, this approach might not always be beneficial or necessary for everyone. Here’s a closer look at why excessive protein intake and low-carb diets might not be the optimal solution for health and fitness, and what alternatives might better support overall well-being.

The Pitfalls of High-Protein, Low-Carb Diets

  1. Red Flags with High-Protein Diets:

    • Common Recommendations: Many popular diets, such as the Atkins Diet, promote high protein and low carbohydrates. Despite their popularity, some people have struggled with these diets, experiencing health issues or failing to achieve their weight loss goals.
    • Health Risks: Excessive protein intake can potentially lead to health problems. Albert Mosseri, a French hygienist, has suggested that too much protein could be linked to diseases such as leukemia, skin conditions, and even cancer. John Robbins, in his book Diet for a New America, highlights that millions of Americans suffer from protein excess-related diseases, while very few suffer from protein deficiency.
  2. Questionable Benefits:

    • Similar Suggestions for Different Goals: The suggestion to consume high amounts of protein for both weight loss and muscle gain might seem contradictory. While protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, the body’s requirements might be less than what some high-protein diets recommend.
    • Health Implications: Many people have found that high-protein diets can lead to health issues, including kidney strain and nutrient imbalances.

Alternative Approaches to Nutrition

  1. The Role of Carbohydrates:

    • Natural Diets: Most animals that we consume for protein, such as cows, primarily eat plant-based diets. Humans, too, have a significant carbohydrate need, given that 98% of the population has a natural inclination for sweet tastes.
    • Diet of Great Apes: Great apes, which share a high percentage of their genes with humans, primarily eat fruits and leaves. This suggests a strong evolutionary basis for a diet rich in plant-based foods.
  2. Protein Needs and Sources:

    • Mother’s Milk: Human breast milk is about 2% protein, highlighting that minimal protein is needed during the early years of life. This low level of protein requirement might indicate that our needs are not as high as some diets suggest.
    • Natural Protein Sources: Fruits and leafy vegetables provide sufficient protein. For instance, bananas, avocados, and leafy greens contain protein levels that can meet daily needs without excessive consumption.
  3. Scientific Findings:

    • Protein Excretion: Excessive protein is often excreted through urine, indicating that the body does not require large amounts.
    • Fasting Studies: Research on fasting has shown that individuals can maintain or even improve strength while consuming minimal food, suggesting that high protein is not essential for maintaining health.
  4. Dietary Balance:

    • Traditional Diets: Aboriginal tribes, such as those in the Mountains of Hagen, consume diets that are predominantly sweet potatoes, fruits, and leafy vegetables, with minimal protein intake. Their health and vitality demonstrate that high-protein diets are not necessarily required for good health.
    • Optimal Diet: A balanced diet focusing on raw and properly cooked fruits, roots, and leafy vegetables is recommended. Such a diet not only supports weight loss but also promotes overall health by aiding in natural detoxification and cleansing.


The emphasis on high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets for weight loss and muscle building might be based on misconceptions. A balanced approach that includes a variety of plant-based foods can be both effective and beneficial for overall health. As Hippocrates famously said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” By focusing on a diet rich in fruits, roots, and leafy vegetables, you can achieve optimal health and maintain a sustainable and effective approach to weight management and fitness.

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Fat never

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